
Our faculty was established on 23 September 1997, with the separation of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture into the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Engineering, with the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 04.06.2018 and numbered 2018/11959. Our faculty includes the Departments of Architecture, Industrial Product Design, Urban and Regional Planning and Interior Architecture, and the Department of Architecture has been continuing its undergraduate education since 2008 and currently continues its education activities with 411 students. After the Engineering Departments moved to their new buildings in the fall semester of 2015, our faculty currently provides education in a single department in the current building. The proposal of Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Rectorate to open departments and major branches within its faculties was reviewed in the Higher Education Executive Board meeting dated 08.01.2020 and in accordance with article 7/d-2 of Law No. 2547 as amended by Law No. 2880, it was deemed appropriate to open a Department of Interior Architecture and a Department of Interior Architecture within the Faculty of Architecture. Since our faculty is a new faculty as of its establishment date, its primary goal is to start education by adding sufficient academic staff to its staff and activating the Departments of Industrial Product Design, Urban and Regional Planning and Interior Architecture. Postgraduate education continues in the Department of Architecture of the Department of Architecture and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Urban Design.