TMMOB Chamber of Architects Ankara Branch Bolu Representative Management paid a congratulatory visit to our Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Ali ATEŞ.

09 Ağustos 2024 Cuma

TMMOB Chamber of Architects Ankara Branch Bolu Representative Board Chairman Architect Uğur İLHAN, Board Member Architect Gizem ÖZTÜRK ATEŞ and Secretary Member Architect Cem GÜL paid a congratulatory visit to our Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Ali ATEŞ at his office.

TMMOB Chamber of Architects Ankara Branch Bolu Representative Management and our Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Ali ATEŞ discussed issues related to architectural education and exchanged ideas.

At the end of the meeting, our Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Ali ATEŞ thanked the TMMOB Chamber of Architects Ankara Branch Bolu Representative Management for their visit.

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